Project Pricing Schedule
Combination of project pricing can be negotiated
Freelance pricing is $25.00 - $30.00 per hour with a one hour minimum. All projects are based from start to finish with two minor changes included. Images at extra unless furnished by customer (review of images prior to starting project required).
On-Going Contracts
$300+ - Need graphic design services for many projects? This is a great option!
Packaging Design
$200+ or hourly rate (whichever is most cost effective to you)Packaging with print ready files! Better pricing with numerous boxes using the same design.
Label Designs
$200+ or hourly rate (whichever is most cost effective to you)Labels with print ready files! Better pricing with numerous labels using the same design.
Logo Design
$75+ - Logo designed including fonts, color palette. (Better pricing if combined with a Business Card Design.
Business Card Design
$50+ - Business Card designed including fonts, color palette. (Better pricing if combined with a Logo Design.
Sales and Marketing Sheets
$30 per hour - Sales and Marketing Sheets based on your Logo and Business Card. (Better pricing if combined with a Logo and Business Card Design.
Brochures, Catalogs, Newsletters, Flyers, Sales and Marketing sheets and more!
$30 - $75 per hour depending on the size of the project.
Web Site Graphics
$75+ - Designed media graphics to your specs for your web site and Facebook advertising.
Book Cover Designs
$150+ - Book Cover designs based on the books story with your graphics. (additional for images needed if required)
Advertising Ads
$30 per hour (minimum $60) - Advertising ads of any sizes, final print ready file provided (additional for images needed if required)
Trade Show or Store Banner Graphics
$75+ - Designed graphics for your trade show or store advertising
Photography - Product or Feature
$50+ per hour - Product or Feature photos for use in your advertising and marketing materials, web site or e commerce sales sites. (touchup of photos included)